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UMaine Calendar

Senior Alumni Reunion

The Class of 1974 will be inducted into Senior Alumni as they celebrate their 50th Reunion. We hope many of you from other alumni classes will join us as well as part of Senior Alumni! Registration opening late June-early July.

Event Series PSAT/NMSQT Prep Session

PSAT/NMSQT Prep Session


This program is designed for those taking the PSAT or NMSQT. Enrollment in the PSAT/NMSQT Prep Session requires permission from the instructor and is based on having completed Algebra 2 or higher math by the end of 10th grade.


Supermassive Black Holes

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd., Orono, ME, United States

Explore the amazing environments of the strangest objects in our universe - Supermassive Black Holes! Leading observational and theoretical astronomers share the latest state-of-the-art observations and stunning computer simulations to shed light on the physics of black hole formation in the context of galaxy evolution. Travel inside a black hole, see how they shape galaxies […]


Radiohead: Black Star

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd., Orono, ME, United States

The only thing better than exploring the Universe, is exploring the Universe with a collection of the most beautiful and cinematic Radiohead songs from their discography! Radiohead: Black Star will take you from the powerful Paranoid Android to the melancholic How to Disappear Completely with stunning visuals and immersive stories. Music programs may contain explicit lyrics, and are intended for adult […]


UMaine UVote Voter Registration

UMaine UVote will be doing voter registration on the mall opposite Fogler Library from 11 am-2pm.

Event Series Group Advising Session

Group Advising Session

Lown Room Memorial Union

Your first step to getting started in an education abroad. Join advisors, Erika Clement and Yijie (EJ) Ren to learn more about the application process, funding, and how to find the right program for you.
