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UMaine Calendar

Boiling Water Bath Canning: Blueberry Syrup, Bangor

niversity of Maine Cooperative Extension's hands-on food preservation workshop will teach you the basics of preserving food at home using a boiling water bath canner. This workshop will provide you with the current USDA recommendation for preserving food at home safely. We will provide all ingredients, canning jars, and information packet. Please bring a potholder […]


Cosmic Recipe

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd., Orono, ME, United States

The famous astronomer Carl Sagan once said: “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.”  Though that may sound crazy, Sagan was onto something BIG! Want to know what? Pull up a chair at our Planetarium’s Periodic Table and learn the cosmic recipes that created everything in our […]


Preserving the Harvest: Pickled Green Beans, South Paris

UMaine Extension Oxford County 9 Olson Road, South Paris, ME, United States

Learn to make your own home canned pickles with University of Maine Cooperative Extension staff and Master Food Preserver volunteers. We will learn how to safely preserve pickled green beans using the boiling water bath method. Participants will receive recipes and a jar of pickles. Please bring a potholder with you to class. This workshop […]


Virtual Summer Equine Speaker Series: Pasture Management and Horses: The What, the When and the How


University of Maine Cooperative Extension is offering a new free Equine Speaker series to share new research, novel management practices, and solutions to common challenges with our equine companions. The theme for summer 2024 is “Pasture and System Management for Healthier Horses.” To register, click here.  "Pasture Management and Horses: The What, the When and […]

Dream to Fly

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd., Orono, ME, United States

Have you ever dreamt you were flying? Have you ever thought how wonderful would it be to fly free as a bird?  Discover the mystery of flight with Leonardo da Vinci, Montgolfier brothers, Wright brothers and other inventors. Experience the adventure with powerful images and music, an immense and challenging dream, for which mankind has […]


One Sky

One Sky is a collection of sky cultures around the world. It recognizes that all people around the globe share strong connections to the stars for navigation, time keeping, agriculture and storytelling.  As active exploration of our universe continues today, we honor the cultures who first looked up and dreamed about our place in the […]


Boiling Water Bath Canning – Bloody Mary Mix

University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s hands-on food preservation workshop will teach you the basics of preserving food at home using a boiling water bath canner. This workshop will provide you with the current USDA recommendation for preserving food at home safely. We will provide all ingredients, canning jars, and information packet. Bring a potholder to […]


Tycho to the Moon

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd., Orono, ME, United States

Meet Tycho, a dog who doesn’t just howl at the Moon, but wants to go there. Blast off on an amazing ride into space with Tycho and his human friends, Ruby and Michael. Learn about day and night, space travel, the phases of the Moon and features of the lunar surface. Get a close-up look […]
