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UMaine Calendar

EXO: Are We Alone?

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd., Orono, ME, United States

Humankind has always sought to understand the mysteries of the Universe and speculated about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Today we know of thousands of exoplanets — planets located outside […]


Pasture Walk Series: Freeport

The Wolfe’s Neck Center Dairy Unit 184 Burnett Road, Freeport, ME, United States

Dr. Jaime Garzon, University of Maine Cooperative Extension forage specialist, will lead five pasture walks in five counties in Maine each year. Come to meet and learn about the production […]

Event Series Grant Writing Certificate

Grant Writing Certificate


This interactive online professional development program will teach you the basics of seeing a grant through a full cycle—from inception to completion. You’ll learn how to get your organization ready to apply for grants, where to find funders and funding opportunities, how to write the components of a grant and how to submit a successful […]


Mars: The Ultimate Voyage

Versant Power Astronomy Center 167 Rangeley Rd., Orono, ME, United States

Ever wondered what it will take for astronauts to travel to the Moon, Mars and beyond? On this long journey, what challenges will astronauts face? How will they stay motivated and healthy on their spacecraft so far away from Earth?  Discover how NASA research and training initiatives are preparing the next generation of astronauts who will […]


Preserving the Harvest: Canning Salsa, Farmington

UMaine Extension Franklin County 138 Pleasant Street, Suite 1, Farmington, ME, United States

Learn to make your own home canned salsa with University of Maine Cooperative Extension staff and Master Food Preserver volunteers. We will learn how to safely preserve tomato salsa using the boiling water bath method. Participants will receive recipes and a jar of salsa. Please bring a potholder with you to class. This workshop will […]
