Summer University classes end
Visit this link for additional information about Summer University.
Visit this link for additional information about Summer University.
Maine 4-H is offering a summer series, 4-H Fridays on the Farm, to connect teens with local agriculture. Current 4-H enrollment is not necessary for participation. Program materials and instruction are free. The goal of 4-H Fridays on the Farm is to expose teens ages 12–18 to Maine agriculture and provide an environment for youth […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Today’s best thinking in leadership, education, and change management emphasize the need to create spaces where people feel seen, heard, and part of a community that cares. Whether you are a teacher, parent, principal, health care provider or authority figure, you can benefit from restorative practices. Over the course of this certificate program, you’ll be part of a supportive learning group on a fulfilling journey of growth and change.
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
Have you ever dreamt you were flying? Have you ever thought how wonderful would it be to fly free as a bird? Discover the mystery of flight with Leonardo da Vinci, Montgolfier brothers, Wright brothers and other inventors. Experience the adventure with powerful images and music, an immense and challenging dream, for which mankind has […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings […]
This is not your grandfather’s magic show… This is the show that will have you asking, “How the ****?” and “What the ****?” Side-splitting comedy and mind-blowing magic are brought […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.