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UMaine Calendar

School of Performing Arts Division of Music presents a combined Jazz Ensemble and University Symphonic Band performance in the Collins Center for the Arts

Hutchins Hall, Collins Center for the Arts University of Maine, Orono, ME

On Sunday, Oct. 31 at 2 p.m. the School of Performing Arts Division of Music presents a combined Jazz Ensemble and University Symphonic Band performance in the Collins Center for the Arts, featuring performances from top auditioning music students from the university. Tickets are $12 and available from the Collins Center for the Arts box […]

Gardening Series: Tips and Tipping for Long Lasting Holiday Decorations (online)


Decorating with evergreen and natural materials during the winter season is very traditional. Our experts will show you how to harvest and handle evergreens and design both traditional and creative new options for making the most of the materials that may be right in your own backyard. Registration is required – Participants will receive the […]

Stargazing with 4-H

Twitchell Observatory Field 64 Roberts Road, South Paris, ME, United States

The volunteers who support events at the observatory will set up telescopes in the field near the observatory to view the wonders of the heavens on Nov. 12th, with a cloud date of the 13th. These telescopes will provide views of the moon, planets and stars as good as the scope in the observatory. This […]

Recipe to Market: Is It For ME? (online)


This workshop will introduce participants to important topics that an aspiring entrepreneur needs to consider before starting a food business. Topics that will be presented include: the specialty food industry, business basics, an overview of the product development process, licensing and regulations, and food safety concerns. Once you have registered, you will receive an email […]


Fall 2021 Symphonic Band Performance

Collins Center for the Arts

The UMaine School of Performing Arts Division of Music presents its Fall 2021 Symphonic Band performance on Dec. 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Collins Center for the Arts. Conductor Chris White leads an evening of music from the Symphonic Band, including performances of works of social conscience and featuring special guest Dr. Stuart Marrs […]

School of Performing Arts Yuletide Celebration

Collins Center for the Arts

On Saturday, Dec. 4 at 7:30 .p.m, the UMaine School of Performing Arts Division of Music presents its annual Yuletide Celebration in the Collins Center for the Arts. The University’s major choral ensembles collaborate with small instrumental ensembles to perform an evening of festive music and fun for the whole family. Nearly 200 singers are […]

2021 Wabanaki Winter Market

Collins Center for the Arts

A Holiday gathering of Wabanaki artists in New England, featuring Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance weavers who have received national awards and new artists representing the next generation of weavers. Join the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance for a day featuring: • One-of-a kind artforms and demonstrations. • A reading by Gal Frey of "The First Blade […]

Choir of Man

Collins Center for the Arts

This event takes place on Saturday, Feb. 5, at 8 p.m. The runaway international hit is coming to Maine. Known across the globe as “the ultimate-feel good show,” The Choir of Man offers up one hour of indisputable joy for all ages. It’s a party. It’s a concert. It’s the best pub “lock-in” you’ve ever […]

Six° FLIP Fabrique

Collins Center for the Arts

This event will take place on Monday, Feb. 7.  With only six degrees of separation, we are all connected. That means we, the performers, and you, the audience, are much […]
