This annual meeting gives attendees an opportunity to learn about specific topics that may benefit the dairy industry. This event is a collaboration between the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, the University of Vermont, and the University of New Hampshire.
Topics for this year’s event will include:
-Biosecurity goals, returning and new livestock.
-Basic biosecurity for workers and visitors.
-Animal health and disease monitoring.
-Reviewing Secure Milk Supply resource
While the event is geared towards biosecurity for dairy production, anyone who raises livestock may benefit from the content. Agriculture service providers and 4-H students are encouraged to attend.
Cost: Free (Lunch will be provided)
Pre-registration is required.
To register, click here.
Because this is a tri-state effort, similar biosecurity workshops are being conducted in New Hampshire and Vermont. For additional information: University of Vermont’s Focus on Farm Biosecurity. Contact: Amber Machia at and 802.355.2653 University of New Hampshire. Contact: Sarah Allen, 603.825.5509,