History graduate students of the University of Maine and the University of New Brunswick announce the return of the UMaine-UNB International History Graduate Student Conference on March 26–27. In its 21st year, the conference will be held virtually via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to register and attend via this link. The conference program and abstracts are online. […]
The Career Ready Games is a series of “Career Ready” challenges over the course of a week. Participants have an opportunity to showcase their skills and compete on an individual and/or team basis. Hosted by the Maine Business School and the Career Center. How it Works: Step 1: Register by Sunday, March 27. *Register as […]
The Career Ready Games is a series of “Career Ready” challenges over the course of a week. Participants have an opportunity to showcase their skills and compete on an individual and/or team basis. Hosted by the Maine Business School and the Career Center. How it Works: Step 1: Register by Sunday, March 27. *Register as […]
The Career Ready Games is a series of “Career Ready” challenges over the course of a week. Participants have an opportunity to showcase their skills and compete on an individual and/or team basis. Hosted by the Maine Business School and the Career Center. How it Works: Step 1: Register by Sunday, March 27. *Register as […]
The Career Ready Games is a series of “Career Ready” challenges over the course of a week. Participants have an opportunity to showcase their skills and compete on an individual and/or team basis. Hosted by the Maine Business School and the Career Center. How it Works: Step 1: Register by Sunday, March 27. *Register as […]
This event will take place on Thursday, March 31. The Maine Sustainability and Water Conference provides an annual forum where professionals, researchers, consultants, citizens, students, regulators and planners gather to exchange information and present new findings on sustainability and water resource issues in Maine. Launched in 1994 by UMaine’s Senator George J. Mitchell Center with […]
The Career Ready Games is a series of “Career Ready” challenges over the course of a week. Participants have an opportunity to showcase their skills and compete on an individual and/or team basis. Hosted by the Maine Business School and the Career Center. How it Works: Step 1: Register by Sunday, March 27. *Register as […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
The MBS Corps in collaboration with the Army and Navy-Marine ROTC have been working on the annual "Heroes and Hope" dodgeball tournament to benefit 2 local Veteran organizations: Maine Veterans Project https://maineveteransproject.org/ Service Dog Strong https://www.sdsmaine.org/ Sunday, March 27 starting at 12:30 p.m. in the Field House If any of you might be […]
On vacation at her grandpa’s, a little girl Mia accidentally discovers a mysterious piece of astronomical machinery. Edek, Mia’s eccentric uncle, tricks the girl into using the tool’s secret powers to change the world’s seasons. She quickly realizes the consequences of what they are going to do, but Edek doesn’t want to let the plan […]
A “Rendezvous with Benny” is an extension of the Miró’s Archive Project and will celebrate the artistry of Benny Goodman centered particularly on the relationship between Benny and the Budapest Quartet. The Mozart Quintet is a nod to Benny and the Budapest Quartet who recorded that work in the ’50s. Shulman: “Rendezvous” David Schiff: […]
"Pushing the boundaries of artistic expression in music, The "Queen of Pop" has stayed relevant for decades for her continued evolution in music and her stand on various themes. With songs like "Material Girl" and "Papa Don't Preach" to "Girl Gone Wild", join Versant Power Astronomy Center at the planetarium to experience her excellence in […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
The Zillman Art Museum presents the following art exhibitions: Circling Time — Deborah Dancy Valley Low — Jen Wink Hays Against The Grain — Woodcuts from the Collection Selections from the Collection The Fractured Negative — Alastair O. Finlay (This exhibit ends April 21) Materiality — Stella Waitzkin (This exhibit ends April 21)
Our multi-tasking minds are constantly going a mile a minute, even while research demonstrates profound benefits coming from greater focus. What would happen if you stopped it all for a moment? Come explore the practice and notable outcomes of mindfulness. Register in advance for this meeting
This event will take place on Monday, Feb. 14 and alternate Mondays, at 2 p.m. An informal discussion group for lecturers at UMaine to discuss teaching strategies, capacity building, methods of documenting teaching and learning, peer observations and other opportunities based on interest. Click here to register.
The Maine Climate and Agriculture Network is offering a three-webinar series about climate change and agriculture on March 22, March 28 and April 14. Each webinar will consist of several short presentations followed by questions and a general discussion. Speakers will include farmers, outreach professionals, and agricultural and climate scientists. The first webinar from 2–3 […]
Have a Research Paper due? Not sure if your references are right? Come to Fogler Library this week and we can help you check your citations to make sure they’re correct. We have experts in APA, MLA, Turabian, CSE, and other styles. Drop in and we’ll help you out.
The talk will be held virtually via Zoom and in-person at 107 Norman Smith Hall, UMaine, on Monday, March 28. A Career Q&A for graduate and undergraduate students will follow the talk. Virtual attendance: Complete the registration form to receive Zoom connection information. In-person attendance: Attendees must follow UMaine’s COVID-19 guidelines. Speaker: Allison (Allie) Gardner, […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
On March 28 at 6 p.m. via Zoom, Brian Pitman, assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, will facilitate a panel titled “Living Unhoused: The Realities of Unhoused People in Bangor”. Pitman will chat with three currently and formerly unhoused community members from the Greater Bangor area. Participants will share their stories in dialog with each […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
The Zillman Art Museum presents the following art exhibitions: Circling Time — Deborah Dancy Valley Low — Jen Wink Hays Against The Grain — Woodcuts from the Collection Selections from the Collection The Fractured Negative — Alastair O. Finlay (This exhibit ends April 21) Materiality — Stella Waitzkin (This exhibit ends April 21)
Jennifer Pictou, founder and head instructor of Dawnland Martial Arts, will provide an overview of her unique self-defense program, Kinapiskw’k, and discuss how the problem of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) gave rise to its creation within international Wabanaki communities. All welcome to attend in person or Zoom https://maine.zoom.us/j/85608083771 Meeting ID: 856 0808 3771 […]
These meetings will focus on “Plus One Strategies” you can adopt to proactively design courses that meet the varied needs of our increasingly diverse body of students. Each workshop will be designed with 30 minutes of learning on a specific strategy and 30 minutes of practice and Q&A to allow you to explore these strategies […]
Have a Research Paper due? Not sure if your references are right? Come to Fogler Library this week and we can help you check your citations to make sure they’re correct. We have experts in APA, MLA, Turabian, CSE, and other styles. Drop in and we’ll help you out.
Are you excited to learn new information about food? Have you ever wondered how different ingredients work together to make a perfect meal? This five-week virtual 4-H SPIN club has been developed to take complex topics and break them down to introduce students to the wonders of Food Science. We will be meeting each week […]
UMaine Extension 4-H created this program to provide agricultural education and leadership experiences to Maine youth ages 14–18. Youth involved in this program will have opportunities to pursue their interest in agriculture and explore career pathways. This includes mentoring in post-secondary opportunities, as well as sparking a passion to investigate and explore current issues around […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
“When the eagle of the North and the condor of the South fly together, the spirit of the land will reawaken.” In this film, we see four indigenous environmental leaders help bring this prophecy to life, working to reduce the impacts of oil and gas production across great distances, from the tar sands of Alberta, […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
This event will take place as follows: Alternate Wednesdays at 10–11:30 a.m. (if you can only make the first hour that is fine!) Core Meeting Dates: Feb. 2, Feb. 16, March 2, March 16, March 30, April 13, April 27, May 11 Optional Add-On – Inclusive Practices at Work These optional meeting times will be […]
The Zillman Art Museum presents the following art exhibitions: Circling Time — Deborah Dancy Valley Low — Jen Wink Hays Against The Grain — Woodcuts from the Collection Selections from […]
This seminar will help health providers to understand the benefits of neuropsychological assessment in treatment planning and diagnosis. Understand the difference between a cognitive screen and a neuropsychological evaluation. Learn […]
Language Tables will run through the Spring 2022 semester in 207 Williams Hall. Students, faculty members, and members of the community are invited to come and converse in an informal setting […]
Language Tables will run through the Spring 2022 semester in 207 Williams Hall. Students, faculty members, and members of the community are invited to come and converse in an informal setting […]
At 3 p.m. on Wednesday, March 30 in the Hill Auditorium of Barrows Hall, Jack Buttcane will be speaking in the colloquium for the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. His talk will […]
Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series 2021-22 Bruce Gilbert, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Liberal Arts, Coordinator of the Social Justice and Citizenship Minor at Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec Sketch of […]
Geared towards grades 4-8 This set of interactive activities is designed to get kids excited about computer science (CS) through hands-on learning. Through puzzles, games, challenges, and creativity, youth will […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings […]
Have a Research Paper due? Not sure if your references are right? Come to Fogler Library this week and we can help you check your citations to make sure they’re correct. We have experts in APA, MLA, Turabian, CSE, and other styles. Drop in and we’ll help you out.
Join Cooperative Extension for a discussion on Weed Management in the Home Landscape and Garden. The webinar has been approved for 1 Pesticide Recertification Credit. Topics of discussion will include: […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
The Zillman Art Museum presents the following art exhibitions: Circling Time — Deborah Dancy Valley Low — Jen Wink Hays Against The Grain — Woodcuts from the Collection Selections from the Collection The Fractured Negative — Alastair O. Finlay (This exhibit ends April 21) Materiality — Stella Waitzkin (This exhibit ends April 21)
The University of Maine Alumni Association presents a talk by Dr. Neil Comins. Without the moon, Earth would be significantly different from what it is today. Renowned scientist and author Dr. Neil Comins will explain the evolution of the Earth-moon system and the Moon's profound effects on our planet and life as we know it. […]
Language Tables will run through the Spring 2022 semester in 207 Williams Hall. Students, faculty members, and members of the community are invited to come and converse in an informal setting where all topics, big or small, can be discussed in the designated language. All levels of language ability are welcome. Tables meet weekly when classes […]
Bruce Gilbert, Professor of Philosophy and Liberal Arts, Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, Quebec Marxist politics has often focused on seizing state power through revolutionary or electoral means, producing mostly failures of great bloodshed and violence, coup d'états and weak social democratic policies. In Brazil, the Landless Workers Movement (MST) has adopted a different strategy to build […]
Have a Research Paper due? Not sure if your references are right? Come to Fogler Library this week and we can help you check your citations to make sure they’re correct. We have experts in APA, MLA, Turabian, CSE, and other styles. Drop in and we’ll help you out.
On Thursday, March 31 at 4 p.m. in the Arthur St. John Hill Auditorium (and remotely via Zoom), the Alan Miller Fund Visiting Journalist Program presents a talk by Bangor Daily News politics editor Michael Shepherd titled “The Intersection of Local Campaigns and National Politics: Reflections on Political Reporting in Maine.” This event is sponsored […]
Interested in solving problems for industry and finding new funding sources to support your research? Collaborating with external partners may be the ideal way to explore commercialization. Learn about how to do this successfully and the resources available to help you through UMaine's Department of Industrial Cooperation Click here for more information and to register.
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Interested in learning more about the research and evidence on effective teaching and improved learning? Want to have an energetic discussion about teaching over coffee with peers? This in-person discussion group will explore different topics in education research, research methods, and interpretation of results. Effort will be made to view research implications through an equity-minded […]
This interactive online professional development program will teach you the basics of seeing a grant through a full cycle, from inception to completion. You’ll learn how to get your organization ready to apply for grants, where to find funders and funding opportunities, how to write the components of a grant and how to submit a successful application that has all the information funders want to see.
UMaine Extension is working with Farm Credit East to hold a Maine-based GenerationNext Farmer Training Program. We want you to sign up. Are you a young Maine farmer, ages 20–35, who will be the next generation operator of a family business? Or, are you starting your own farm business in Maine? This program is for […]
The Zillman Art Museum presents the following art exhibitions: Circling Time — Deborah Dancy Valley Low — Jen Wink Hays Against The Grain — Woodcuts from the Collection Selections from the Collection The Fractured Negative — Alastair O. Finlay (This exhibit ends April 21) Materiality — Stella Waitzkin (This exhibit ends April 21)
Despite the prominent role primary care plays in the prevention of serious and chronic physical health conditions, its role in the early detection of and intervention in major mental health conditions has been peripheral, particularly in the U.S. Existing strategies, generally reliant on community education and help-seeking, continue to identify only a small fraction of […]
While viewing wildlife in their natural habitat can be fun, when wildlife invade home landscapes and gardens, they can cause major losses. Rats, mice, other rodents and birds can dig up seeds of vegetables before they germinate. Wildlife such as raccoons, deer, rabbits and woodchucks can eat plants, vegetables and fruit in the garden. Learning […]
The School of Biology and Ecology presents “Integrative ecology and macroecology of invasive forest insects.” with Dr. Dan Gruner, University of Maryland. Hosted by Andy Rominger, Assistant Professor of Ecological Bioinformatics. The seminar will be held at Murray Hall, Room 102, and will also be shared through Zoom. Email peggy.killian@maine.edu for event access information. The University […]
Language Tables will run through the Spring 2022 semester in 207 Williams Hall. Students, faculty members, and members of the community are invited to come and converse in an informal setting where all topics, big or small, can be discussed in the designated language. All levels of language ability are welcome. Tables meet weekly when classes […]
Coffee Hour is a social event sponsored by the International Student Association and Office of International Programs. It is usually held every Friday (except breaks) from 4–5 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters. Some special events held during Coffee Hour include country and culture presentations, international food tasting, cooking competition, etc. It is a […]
The 2022 Maryann Hartman Awards recognizing the inspirational achievements of Maine women will be presented to community leader and certified nursing assistant ZamZam Mohamud of Lewiston; recently retired Opportunity Housing, Inc., founding president and CEO Bonnie-Jean Brooks of Stockton Springs; and long-time senior executive and UMaine alumna Susan Bell of Hallowell, former director of the […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
The attraction of Black Holes is more than just gravitational. These mysterious graveyards of dead stars have fascinated generations. “Black Holes” explores the history, physics, and mystery of these reality-bending phenomena. Experience the bending of light, the skewing of perception, and the dizzying descent into a black hole. Tickets for planetarium programs are $7 for […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Join Kirsten Lie-Nielsen, an author and farmer living in rural Maine, to learn which livestock species is the best fit for your homestead. Kirsten will help you determine what livestock can serve you and your land best on the homestead. This workshop will delve into the different livestock options for the modern homestead, their pros […]
The Zillman Art Museum presents the following art exhibitions: Circling Time — Deborah Dancy Valley Low — Jen Wink Hays Against The Grain — Woodcuts from the Collection Selections from the Collection The Fractured Negative — Alastair O. Finlay (This exhibit ends April 21) Materiality — Stella Waitzkin (This exhibit ends April 21)
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]