You have a lot on your plate. Between annual appeals, communications, virtual event planning and fundraising, you’re overwhelmed. And now you’ve been tasked with writing a grant and you don’t know where to start. Our online grant writing program can help! This interactive online professional development program will teach you the basics of seeing a […]
Many point to the network era as a “golden age” of broadcast journalism when Americans could trust neutral reporters who told them the news the way it was. Except a lot of Americans did not. Television entered US homes in the mid-twentieth century, swiftly becoming the nation’s primary source of news just as the fight […]
The talk will be held virtually via Zoom and in-person at 107 Norman Smith Hall, UMaine, Orono. Virtual attendance: Complete the registration form for Zoom connection information Moderator: Darren Ranco, Chair of Native American Programs; Professor, Anthropology and Mitchell Center, UMaine Panelists: Jennifer Neptune, Penobscot Nation James Francis, Director of Cultural and Historic Preservation, Penobscot […]
University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Maine Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers Association are hosting a Maine Vegetable and Fruit School from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m on March 25 at the University of Southern Maine Lewiston Campus, 51 Westminster Street. Topics include pest management for beans, lettuce and carrots; weather monitoring and pest management; potato […]
Join IMRC Center staff for a general tour of the facility’s event space, classrooms, common areas, audiovisual studios, and maker labs. The tour is anticipated to last approximately 45 minutes. Offered on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Guests of any background, including UMaine students, faculty, and staff, community group representatives, business representatives, and members […]
University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a webinar for home gardeners titled “Becoming a Resilient Vegetable Gardener” from 6 - 7:15 p.m on Wednesday, March 26. As gardeners in Maine deal with more periods of intense heat, prolonged drought, dramatic rain, and a slew of pests and diseases, they need new techniques and strategies […]
University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Maine Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Conservation are offering a Rabbit Health Care for Producers webinar on Wednesday, March 26 at 7 p.m. This webinar is for breeders and raisers seeking information on rabbit health care. Veterinarian Matt Ford of Southern Maine Hospital for Small Mammals will share information […]
University of Maine Cooperative Extension will host a virtual presentation covering growing and marketing practices for specialty potato varieties in Maine from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on March 27. Consumer interest and demand for fresh-market potato varieties with unique size, shape, color and taste profiles has been on the rise. The trend presents new […]
UMaine Libraries’ Hybrid Tea with the Dean and Open Access Publishing Resources Showcase with Head of Collection Services Deb Rollins and Open Scholarship Librarian Casey Koons will take place on Thursday, March 27, at 3 p.m. Deborah Rollins will talk about open access collections and costs, as well as library support of University of Maine […]
Fermentation Friday takes place at the University of Maine in Orono. During Fermentation Friday, held at the UMaine Food Lab in Hitchner Hall, participants cook, create, share, and connect. Using recipes as starting points, we explore fermentation, storytelling, food rescue, and local food systems. This session will focus on fermenting cheese - we will work […]
University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a Bench Grafting Apple Trees workshop from 5 - 7 p.m. on Friday, March 28 at the Franklin County Extension Office, 138 Pleasant Street, Suite 1 in Farmington. Bench grafting is a propagation technique used to join dormant scion and rootstock. Workshop instructors Nick Rowley, UMaine Extension sustainable […]
Recruiting UMaine students for the Bring Your Own Brain Hackathon on March 28th and 29th! Win money, eat good food, and share your ideas! On Friday, begin with ideation & team building! Saturday, the real work begins as you innovate, build, and pitch your ideas. A full agenda is listed below! RSVP at: Friday 3/28: […]
Recruiting UMaine students for the Bring Your Own Brain Hackathon on March 28th and 29th! Win money, eat good food, and share your ideas! On Friday, begin with ideation & team building! Saturday, the real work begins as you innovate, build, and pitch your ideas. A full agenda is listed below! RSVP at: Friday 3/28: […]
University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Knox and Lincoln Counties will host a spring workshop for home gardeners and commercial producers on how to prune mature apple trees successfully. The workshop will be held at 30 Hope Street in Rockport on Saturday, March 29 from 1 - 3 p.m. Pre-registration is required. UMaine Extension Tree […]