Explore the night sky with your favorite friends from Sesame Street in One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure. Follow along with Big Bird, Elmo and their friend from China, Hu […]
Grammy Award-winning band OneRepublic will rock the planetarium with stunning visuals, and out of this world imagery. Future Looks Good show features a compilation of songs from Dreaming Out Loud, Native, Waking […]
University of Maine Cooperative Extension can help you achieve your ServSafe® Food Protection Manager Certification. This nationally-recognized certification is for anyone working in the food industry, including non-profit organizations. UMaine Extension offers an 8-hour ServSafe® training using the latest ServSafe® Manager Book, 7th Edition Revised, and exam proctoring. Date: Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 (Inclement Weather Date: […]
On vacation at her grandpa’s, a little girl Mia accidentally discovers a mysterious piece of astronomical machinery. Edek, Mia’s eccentric uncle, tricks the girl into using the tool’s secret powers to change the world’s seasons. She quickly realizes the consequences of what they are going to do, but Edek doesn’t want to let the plan […]
he Maine Innovation Exchange is designed for the business community. The conference will showcase partnership success stories, broadly applicable educational workshops, and an Innovation Insights session to showcase the breadth and depth of UMaine research and innovation right in your backyard. Come learn about innovation resources that can be applied to help you grow your company. We'll show you […]
The inaugural Maine Innovation Exchange, hosted by the Office of Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, Resources, and Engagement (SPIRE), aims to streamline how businesses can tap into the portfolio of research, innovation, infrastructure, and talent at the University of Maine, the state’s top research university. The one-day conference will showcase partnership success stories and workshops to help […]
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is creating the most detailed map of our nearby universe. Installed at Kitt Peak in Arizona, DESI's 5000 independently operated robots can measure the light from thousands of galaxies at once. Dive into modern cosmology, and the scientific motivation for building a large map of galaxies. Join us as we […]