This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
On Sunday, Oct. 9 at 4 p.m., Kathleen Ellis and John Paul Caponigro will present New Voices Rising, a live Zoom poetry readng featuring the voices of young poets as they express their views of our world. The poets are University of Maine students active in campus creative writing activities and the campus literary magazine, […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Grants 101: Seeking, Analyzing, and Writing Basics (online via Zoom) Join Fogler Library and the Office of Research Development for Grants 101: Seeking, Analyzing, and Writing Basics. This workshop will […]
This free event is for Parents and Caregivers that are managing the chaos of life and seeking tips and tricks to help balance it all. The six different presentations will […]
Do people seem more edgy and argumentative these days? Would you like your own inner voice to be nurturing and supportive during challenging moments? Are you eager to support the emotional well-being of the people around you during these high-stress times? Could you use some easy-to-learn tools to help calm things down without using punishment […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Working With Students in Distress Part I and Part II This presentation/training is intended to help participants become more aware and prepared to deal effectively with students who are struggling and in distress. Part I of this training covers the basics of Psychological First Aid (developed by Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health Preparedness) and […]
New innovations based on cutting-edge research have a high failure rate because they focus on the wrong needs or even the wrong end user. In this workshop, you will learn how to use Innovation Engineering tools to test your assumptions and validate that they align with end user needs, wants, and expectations. Register here.
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
David Demers, University of Maine System CIO, would like an opportunity to meet with the UMaine/UMM campus communities to provide updates about IT projects, including an overview of the Repaving MaineStreet initiative. The following topics will be covered during the session: IT Organizational Updates Campus Managed Print Project - Transition from Canon to Xerox Repaving […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Many organizations and community groups rely on volunteers for a variety of food events such as fundraising, fellowships, food pantries or other service to the community. But cooking for a crowd is tricky. How do you store all that food? When is the food completely cooked? How long can you leave food on the buffet […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]