The University of Maine is delighted to host a virtual screening of this short-format documentary. Set in Lewiston, the film explores the blossoming relationship between descendants of French-Canadian immigrants and more recent arrivals from francophone Africa, and discovers the unexpected ways in which their experiences intersect. Here is the information to register for the streaming […]
The UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black Bear Exchange’s Healthy High 5k/10k will take place virtually this year. Sign up to run between April 18–22 using predesignated routes or by creating your own. Registration is $10, plus a registration fee of $2.50. Proceeds benefit the UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black […]
The UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black Bear Exchange’s Healthy High 5k/10k will take place virtually this year. Sign up to run between April 18–22 using predesignated routes or by creating your own. Registration is $10, plus a registration fee of $2.50. Proceeds benefit the UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black […]
The UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black Bear Exchange’s Healthy High 5k/10k will take place virtually this year. Sign up to run between April 18–22 using predesignated routes or by creating your own. Registration is $10, plus a registration fee of $2.50. Proceeds benefit the UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black […]
The UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black Bear Exchange’s Healthy High 5k/10k will take place virtually this year. Sign up to run between April 18–22 using predesignated routes or by creating your own. Registration is $10, plus a registration fee of $2.50. Proceeds benefit the UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black […]
We at the Franco-American Centre at the University of Maine, Orono are excited to announce a new and innovative plan for our 2022 Rassemblement of Franco-American artists, writers, and other cultural workers. We originally planned a virtual gathering for this spring; perhaps you already registered for it. But with COVID case-numbers trending down and Zoom fatigue being felt […]
The UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black Bear Exchange’s Healthy High 5k/10k will take place virtually this year. Sign up to run between April 18–22 using predesignated routes or by creating your own. Registration is $10, plus a registration fee of $2.50. Proceeds benefit the UMaine Physical Education Student Organization and the Black […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
The 4-H Agriculture Symposium is an overnight experience for Maine youth ages 14–18. Participants will take part in hands-on learning opportunities, engage with industry professionals on UMaine Orono and UMaine Augusta-Bangor campuses, develop leadership skills, and make friendships with teens from around the state. Current 4-H membership is not required. Assistance with transportation can be […]
The talk will be held virtually via Zoom and in-person at 107 Norman Smith Hall, UMaine, on Monday, April 18. Virtual attendance: Complete the registration form to receive Zoom connection information. In-person attendance: Attendees must follow UMaine’s COVID-19 guidelines. Speakers: Justin Wolff, Professor of Art History, Chair of the Dept. of Art, UMaine Susan Smith, […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
The 4-H Agriculture Symposium is an overnight experience for Maine youth ages 14–18. Participants will take part in hands-on learning opportunities, engage with industry professionals on UMaine Orono and UMaine Augusta-Bangor campuses, develop leadership skills, and make friendships with teens from around the state. Current 4-H membership is not required. Assistance with transportation can be […]
What agricultural employers need to know about the H-2A program provisions enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD): A guide to avoiding common wage, disclosure, housing, transportation and recordkeeping related violations at worksites where H-2A workers are employed. A question and answer period will follow the presentation. Links to WHD […]
Are you excited to learn new information about food? Have you ever wondered how different ingredients work together to make a perfect meal? This five-week virtual 4-H SPIN club has been developed to take complex topics and break them down to introduce students to the wonders of Food Science. We will be meeting each week […]
UMaine Extension 4-H created this program to provide agricultural education and leadership experiences to Maine youth ages 14–18. Youth involved in this program will have opportunities to pursue their interest in agriculture and explore career pathways. This includes mentoring in post-secondary opportunities, as well as sparking a passion to investigate and explore current issues around […]
Explore the intertidal zone and help with marine science research. In this workshop, we will learn about animals you might find during low tide and use some amazing equipment to take awesome pictures on your phone to identify them. Along the way, we’ll learn about invasive species, climate change, species identification, and how you can […]
Many organizations and community groups rely on volunteers like you for a variety of food events for fundraising, fellowship, food pantries or other services to the community. But cooking for a crowd is tricky. How do you store all that food? When is the food completely cooked? How long can you leave food on the […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
This workshop will introduce participants to important topics that an aspiring entrepreneur needs to consider before starting a food business. Topics that will be presented include: the specialty food industry, business basics, an overview of the product development process, licensing and regulations, and food safety concerns. UMaine Cooperative Extension course instructors include: *Louis Bassano, Professor […]
Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TiLT) is a set of teaching strategies that focus on making transparent to students why and how they are learning and engaging with the course content and each other. Students learning from faculty using transparent strategies learn better, gain better understanding of how they learn, and are more likely to […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
Join Cooperative Extension for a discussion on Soil Health Management. 1 Pesticide Recertification Credit This webinar will explain what soil health is, how soil health is measured, and how to improve soil physically, chemically, and biologically by managing your cropping system to improve soil health. This webinar will explain how to incorporate a diverse cropping […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): What agricultural employers need to know about the FLSA’s worker protections enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD): A guide […]
Interested in solving problems for industry and finding new funding sources to support your research? Collaborating with external partners may be the ideal way to explore commercialization. Learn about how to do this successfully and the resources available to help you through UMaine's Department of Industrial Cooperation Click here for more information and to register.
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
UMaine Extension is working with Farm Credit East to hold a Maine-based GenerationNext Farmer Training Program. We want you to sign up. Are you a young Maine farmer, ages 20–35, who will be the next generation operator of a family business? Or, are you starting your own farm business in Maine? This program is for […]
This event will take place on Friday, Feb. 11 and alternating Fridays until April 22 at 2 p.m. This is a collaborative, faculty-led, practically-oriented community focusing on fostering equity through developing our syllabi and engaging them meaningfully in class. In Spring 2022, the syllabus working group will focus on developing a sharable “equity starter pack” […]
Maine Food Too Good To Waste Learn fun and easy cooking tips to end food waste. Taught by Chef Becky of Wild Oats Cafe in Brunswick To register: Sponsored by: Food Rescue Maine Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions Winslow Public Library Portland Public Library Waterville Public Library Readfield Community Library
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]
This online professional development program presents an overview of sustainability from a business perspective and a hands-on action planning workshop.
Join Eric Rector, a local cheesemaker from Monroe Cheese Studio, to learn how to turn a liquid into a solid. Cheesemaking takes a lot of time: usually, a day of work just to get the initial stage of fresh cheese and then years of aging. In this workshop, Eric will summarize 10,000 years of cheese […]
Join the Flowering in the North team for this series of webinars designed to help flower farmers prepare for a successful 2022 season. This 4-session series, held on the evenings of Feb. 28 through March 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., will include presentations, Q&A, group discussion, and brainstorming opportunities. An additional in-person networking […]