“Activist Scholars and Social Unionism: The Meaning of the Walsh-Sweezy Case at Harvard University, 1935–1938,” presented by Nathan Godfried, Professor of History, The University of Maine
“Academic Freedom, Due Process, and Rights at the University of Maine,” presented by Lisa Neuman, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Native American Studies, University of Maine.
Godfried will describe the controversial “Walsh-Sweezy case” at Harvard and how this case raises significant questions today about academic freedom, faculty governance, faculty unions, and the role of activist scholars in addressing contemporary social, economic, and political problems. Neuman, UMaine AFUM Chapter President, will relate some of Prof. Godfried’s presentation to current union issues at the University.
Part of the Fall 2021 Socialist and Marxist Studies Series. Go to umaine.edu/SocialistAndMarxistStudiesSeries for the Zoom link to join all programs and for more information about the Fall series
Click here to view the series flyer.