The sixteenth annual University of Maine Clinical Geriatrics Colloquium, “Advancing Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Deliver of Age-Friendly Health Care, will be held Monday, Oct. 25, 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Special Notice: To respect the safety and health of all of our participants, this year’s colloquium will be a virtual event.
Deadline for receipt of registrations: Monday, Oct. 18.
To register online with a credit card or electronic check, click here.
About the Sixteenth Annual Colloquium:
This year’s colloquium, offered virtually for the second consecutive year, is dedicated to addressing the challenges surrounding the provision of age-friendly health care for diverse and underserved populations of older adults. Promising strategies for advancing anti-racist, anti-ageist, inclusive, and equitable health and human services will be shared nationally and within Maine’s borders. Multidisciplinary experts will gather live via Zoom before a broad audience of health and human services professionals and health care consumers to consider the progress being made in advancing inclusive and equitable health care that is evidence-based and person-centered and is equally accessible to all segments of the older adult community regardless of their racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds and their sexual orientation.